Employer Branding

Done Different

We’re not your average employer branding agency. We put your employer branding at the heart of your hiring success, by using powerful data and your unique EVP.

You can’t attract talent if there’s nothing attractive to find about you.

Why Employer Branding is a
No-Brainer anno 2024

Let’s be honest, quality candidates are not exactly an easy find these days. To make matters worse, the future doesn’t look so bright either with the shortage expected to go up nearly 300% between 2020 & 2030.

Millennials & Gen Zs represent 75% of today’s workforce—mind blowing, right? Since they use social media A LOT when looking for jobs, they expect nothing short of an epic employer brand.

You don't need the best employer brand in the world (although that doesn’t hurt), but it needs to be better than your top talent competitors. With investments in employer branding rising exponentially, you can't fall behind.

The Labor Shortage Is Growing
Let’s be honest, quality candidates are not exactly an easy find these days. To make matters worse, the future doesn’t look so bright either with the shortage expected to go up nearly 300% between 2020 & 2030.​
Younger Generations Are In Demand & Online
Millennials & Gen Zs represent 75% of today’s workforce—mind blowing, right? Since they use social media A LOT when looking for jobs, they expect nothing short of an epic employer brand.​
If You Don't, Competitors Will
You don't need the best employer brand in the world (although that doesn’t hurt), but it needs to be better than your top talent competitors. With investments in employer branding rising exponentially, you can't fall behind.​

Who Are We Exactly?

We redefine employer branding.

Traditional recruitment agencies don’t know branding and creatives don’t understand the recruitment game. Our agency makes these two worlds collide—we don’t just make you pretty, we make you pretty awesome.

Our Latest Customer Success Stories

Just because actions speak louder than words.

With each department having unique needs, Hunkemöller had to pull out all the stops to attract top talent. That’s where we came in, helping them develop a unique EVP to make them stand out.
At Fanployer, we thrive under pressure. With only a month before the launch of their new career site, we helped Royal Swinkel’s developed a completely new EVP on time and on brand.
While their company name is Robin Radar, they had a tendency to fly under it. With our help, they were able to improve their online employer presence and increase quality applicants by 35%.

Hunkemöller aimed to redefine the employer branding standard in the retail industry, and that’s where we stepped in. We helped them develop and implement a unique EVP to ensure they truly stand out. Stay tuned!

At Fanployer, we love speed. In just 4 weeks, we designed a new EVP that matches the true DNA and ambitions of the brand. We’ve also become their trusted employer branding partner for the complete implementation of their employer branding strategy. Stay tuned

While their company name is Robin Radar, they had a tendency to fly under it. With our help, they improved their online employer presence and increase quality applicants by 35%.

5 Reasons Why We’re Different

We said we were unique, now it’s time to prove it.

1. New Kids On the Block

Tired of agencies that go by “feel”? Yeah, so are we. We’re changing the consultancy game through powerful data and cool tech.

2. We’ve Been In Your Shoes

We might be new kids on the block, but we have more than 35 years of combined HR, Recruitment & Employer Branding experience—so don’t worry, we totally get it.

3. Get Results “Yesterday”

We deliver results fast. Like, ridiculously fast. We pride ourselves in delivering quality results in 4 weeks (not months like some of these other guys you’ve worked with).

4. Fresh External Perspective

Nothing ruins a good employer brand like politics. We bring a fresh, unbiased set of eyes to help you make your case and drive real change.

5. Empower Your Team

We don’t just deliver projects, we equip & educate your team. Like the old proverb says, give a man a fish, and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish, and you feed him for a lifetime.

Our "Not So Average" Recruitment Results


average growth of your recruitment funnel


average decrease of cost-per-hire


Years of award-winning expertise


conversion rate

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Employer branding is the art and science of making a company look like the cool kid on the job market. If you’re aiming to attract the crème de la crème of the workforce, a strong employer brand isn’t just nice to have; it’s a must. 

In today’s digital age, where a company’s reputation is as visible as a blue sky on a sunny day, getting employer branding right and properly communicating it online can make the difference between attracting world-class talent and watching them go to the competitor.

At its core, employer branding is about storytelling and how a company communicates who they are as an employer. But it’s not just about slapping on a happy face and hoping for the best. It’s about crafting authentic messages that resonate with the right candidates, making them think, “Yep, that’s where I belong.”

Employer branding has a real impact on your organization’s ability to recruit—it’s not all smoke and mirrors. Here are some of the ways it can make a difference:

  1. Attracts Continuous Talent Pipeline: Attract a continuous flow of top-tier talent, keeping your recruitment pipeline full and vibrant even with today’s labor shortage.
  2. Improves Applicant Quality: A strong employer brand makes your company irresistible, drawing in a crowd of top-tier candidates who are already fans before they even apply (now you know where the name Fanployer comes from).
  3. Makes You Stand Out From The Crowd: Make your company stand out. A strong employer brand distinguishes you from the competition and we all know that people are your most important competitive asset.
  4. WOWs Candidates: Create memorable interactions that make candidates excited about the possibility of working for you.
  5. Makes Employees Proud & Stay Longer: A strong brand helps ensure that new hires know what they’re signing up for and are a good fit for the culture. This alignment between expectations and reality keeps turnover low.
  6. Reduces Cost Per Hire: With your reputation doing the heavy lifting, you spend less on recruiting. Top talent tends to seek you out, which cuts down on expensive advertising and recruitment drives.

This is just a tease, if you want to learn more about how employer branding can revolutionize recruitment, fill out the lovely form above— don’t be shy, we won’t bite 😉